Saturday, June 03, 2006

Uncanny thought for today

O the great God of theory, he's just a pencil stub, a chewed stub with a worn eraser at the end of a huge scribble. (Charles Simic)

The following passage about David Shrigley was written by Mel Gooding;

He (Shrigley) owns up to inducing anxiety. But, then, it's not his anxiety that we feel as we turn the pages: it's ours. It is there waiting to haunt us, before he confirms our worst nightmares. Shrigley makes visible the darkness we all inhabit.
'Better a dreadful doubt confronted, a fear outfaced, a weakness acknowledged' the therapists might say. But shrigley's not your therapist! He's not there to help you.
'But', we might be tempted to think, 'he confirms that we are not alone; we're all in it together!' That's the point of it all: Solidarity! But no. Shrigley isn't there to raise your spirits. Like every great satirist he's a firm moralist. He shows us where we are and how it is. How you feel about that is your problem, not his. He offers naught for your comfort............... there's no theory of everything, or of anything, that is remotely helpful when you are touching the void...........Apocalypse now! Only this time we can laugh. Sometimes, laughing at Shrigley, I feel that's the only thing we can do.


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